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Tuesday 5 April 2016

How To Set Up Your Fingerprint On Galaxy S7

The fingerprint sensor on Galaxy S7 can be easily set up and used, but you may have missed this part- how to make it work perfectly.  You know that its possible to unlock your phone with the fingerprint as password after going through the 13 part process of recording of your finger.

Fingerprint sensor is a very useful ability in the phone. But ensure that you had set it in the right way. So we are gonna list up some of the points you should note before you  set up the fingerprint sensor in your phone.

You need to take some photos of your finger during the setup process so as to create a complete image. Your phone unlocks when the the picture taken during unlocking your phone matches with that complete image. The Nexus phones do have a round sensor while Galaxy S7 have an oval sensor. You need to be bit more deliberate in case of oval sensor than the round sensors during setup.

You may sometimes face failure during unlocking your phone. So while setting up the fingerprint sensor in Galaxy S7, try to capture some diagonal pictures of your thumb going across the sensor. This is done inorder to reduce the failures while unlocking your device. Usually you do move your thumb in two directions across the sensor - either in horizontal direction or in vertical direction.This will lead to creation of incomplete pictures. Try capturing some diagonal pictures and feel the change.

Its already mentioned that Galaxy S7 has an oval sensor. Its not possible to press the sensor in the same way everytime you unlock. So avoid placing the thumb in the same way when you are setting up the fingerprint sensor.

If you already completed the setup , and you are not happy with the results, you can delete a fingerprint and re-capture it.

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